Movie Review: Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)


Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)

Released: May 25th, 1977

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy/Western

Director: George Lucas

Starring: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford

Spoiler WARNING Throughout this review.

Opening thoughts

Sadly, due to some strange moves by George Lucas, many of us do not have the pleasure of viewing the films many of us knew growing up.  So as of right now, a whole new generation will not understand that Han shot first and other little details that were muddied in the rerelease in the 1990’s.  Still, Star Wars: A New Hope is an incredible film.


A New Hope rises as Luke Skywalker and Jedi master Obi-Wan  Kenobi seek to rescue Princess Leia from the infernal clutches of the Empire on the eve of unveiling their most heinous weapon of mass destruction yet.


Honestly, I love the movie and have almost no complaints. Some of the new CGI that is added doesn’t look as nice as it could. Though that is partly due to poor foresight.

The only thing about Star Wars: A New Hope I have beef with is how Obi-Wan mentions how the stormtroopers have such precise shooting. Yet, they couldn’t hit anything for the rest of the movie.  That line is rather laughable.


There is a lot to love about Star Wars aka Star Wars: A New Hope. The John Williams score is among the most iconic in cinematic history.

The cast is wonderful. While one could argue that the acting a bit hokey in the original. The young blossoming talent of Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher was on full display. Skywalker, Leia, and Solo all show us different personalities and thought process. They aren’t just a sea of faces, and they certainly aren’t perfect.  One thing I appreciate more now after watching all the prequels is I can see comparisons and attributes that Padme/Anakin had and how they are in Luke and Leia.

This movie was about having fun and despite some serious things like death and genocide. Fascism and crime, they never let it get too dark. Throughout the film, there is plenty of comedy.

George Lucas in his prime was a true visionary. His films looked far beyond most others. In some cases a full decade ahead of everyone else minus maybe James Cameron or Stanley Kubrick. The worlds he created, the variety of alien life in the galaxy, costumes, cinematography, and set designs were fantastic and unique. All of it interacting with one another. It’s truly incredible. The space battles alone are awe-inspiring.

The action scenes in this movie are magnificent and exciting. They end when they should and allows for the story and or character to develop. To me, every other film I have reviewed on this list has some pacing issues. Some small, some great, but it’s always present.  I don’t get the same feeling from Star Wars. It keeps moving along without getting bogged down in one point or another.

Saving the best for last is Darth Vader who for many is the epitome of a great villain. One who will sacrifice all to attain their goal. Someone who believes they are actually the good guys who are doing the unpleasant things needed to bring about order and peace (at their vision of it).


Even with some of the alterations by Lucas, Star Wars: A New Hope is a powerful movie filled with great special effects, amazing action, a wonderful cast of talented individuals, and such vivid imagination. This movie was one that forever changed movies, especially within the science fiction/fantasy world.  It inspired and entertained millions upon millions. (Dare I say billions?) Among or perhaps the most important fantasy films in cinematic history.

The Ladder: 

Star Wars: A New Hope  (1977)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Solo: A Story Wars Story (2018)

Star Wars Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Star Wars Episode Two: Attack of the Clones (2002)

Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace (1999)

5 thoughts on “Movie Review: Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)

  1. I’ve seen this film only once a few years ago. I had decided to start watching these Star Wars films and sadly, I found this one to be very boring and I didn’t even want to continue with the series. Thankfully, I watched Episode V afterwards and fell in love. But yeah, maybe I need to rewatch this, but this one is one of my least favorites.

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