Fresh Fridays: The Zone of Interest (2023)

Fresh Fridays are movies within the last three years that I’ve watched recently.

The Zone of Interest (2023)

Released: February 20th, 2024

Genre: Drama, History, War

Director: Jonathan Glazer

Writers: Jonathan Glazer, Martin Amis

Opening Thoughts:

I tend to be late to many Oscar-nominated/winning films. I don’t like the fanfare because the hype tends to overinflate expectations. So after the buzz cools down, that is when I tend to watch these types of films. The Zone of Interest is a very well made movie, but I also found it unremarkable in a sense as well. Credit to that being part of it.


A German family in the 1940s attempts to live their lives. What seems to be normal turns horrific as they are involved in the Nazi Party and reside in a Zone of Interest that borders a notorious concentration camp of World War 2.


I feel like the film could have been more effective if it went about things differently. Though, I do understand why the film does what it does. A slice of life film with a horrendously dark side to it.

The Zone of Interest is profoundly important, but it was a shame that I found it equally boring as well.

People can be so close to the most awful atrocities in history and yet find ways to ignore these things and attempt to live a “normal” life. People have done it throughout history and as we see in this day and age it still happens.


When speaking of this film’s production values, it is without question among the finest films of 2023. The use of various camera techniques, the sound, the clothing, the very look of the film. It really is remarkable to see.

I didn’t know the actors in this film, but they had composure and proper screen presence throughout. This keeps me invested in their world. While I found other aspects to be tedious, the filmography and talents of the director should be unquestioned.

Closing Thoughts:

The Zone of Interest is an incredible work of filmmaking. Its use of sound and visual aids is outstanding. The acting is incredible and its message is dark and provocative. That all said, in the manner of being an engaging film that made me want to continue watching. It was not at all this. One of the best-made films of 2023, but also among the most boring.

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