Iceberg Films: Funny Games (1997)

Funny Games (1997)

Released: March 11th, 1998

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction

Director: Michael Haneke

Writers: Michael Haneke

Opening Thoughts:

Funny Games is an infamous film because of its dark content and depiction of violence. Yet, the film’s director has made statements telling people that he is no fan of horror films. He finds them terrible and potentially dangerous for society. So he created a film that targets the excessive violence of this genre in sort of an attack upon it.


Two men find their way into a family home with violent results.


Perhaps it is used to shield some of the horror and make it feel like a work of fiction, but the science fiction aspects of the film are noticeable and pull you from the scene. The breaking of the fourth wall and other little bits can pull us back from the film. Perhaps that is a good thing.


It is hard to explain the likes in a film such as this because it is disturbing and violent. We must of course take a step back and remind ourselves that this is not a real-life scenario although scenarios similar have very much happened.

The cast all do admirable work portraying this grizzly situation.

Well-made albeit very dark and nihilistic. There is no hope, death will surely arrive in some form for us all.

A horror film with atrocities that are very dark and are meant to remark on the violence of these films. Horror films tend to depict plenty of horror and oftentimes without remorse.

Closing Thoughts:

Funny Games is a dark, violent, and depressing film that also has some awkward moments that take you out of the moment though intentionally done. The fourth wall breaks and a science fiction element that makes it more surreal. It is well-made but unsettling.

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